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An insight into life on BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion

Entering the trampery to visit BEEN
  • Written byKatie Gardiner
  • Published date 13 March 2024
Entering the trampery to visit BEEN
Entering the trampery to visit BEEN.

My BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion experience so far has been a perfect blend of my love for Psychology and my passion for creativity and sustainability within the fashion industry.

I’ve studied Psychology since I was 13 and have always been interested in what shapes people’s day-to-day behaviours, and getting to apply this understanding to the clothes we wear every day has been incredibly interesting.

Having the support of a specialist fashion institution has created access to experiences that I would not have found elsewhere, including immersive industry visits, consulting and collaborating with brands, guest lecturers, exhibitions, and social events, to name a few.

Here's a short overview of some of my favourite experiences on the course...

Consultancy for Neem

A highlight of mine was taking part in a consultancy project for London-based, sustainable fashion brand Neem. This project allowed us to apply our research skills, psychological knowledge, and analytical training directly to the fashion industry, delving into consumer behaviour and figuring out what drives the promotion of sustainability within fashion.

Seeing our ideas come to life when collaborating with Neem was super rewarding, and showed a clear pathway towards a future where sustainable behaviours are at the forefront of the fashion industry.

Learning from Industry Experts at BEEN

We immersed ourselves in the local fashion scene by visiting BEEN’s studios in Hackney at The Trampery. Known for their vegan leather bags and unique design methods, the company is only walking distance from London College of Fashion East Bank.

The visit, organised by one of our lecturers Dr Maxi Heitmayer, included a talk from the brand’s creator and CEO, who discussed her journey into sustainable fashion and shared some industry truths with us.

We also had the chance to ask her questions about her experience and psychology’s role within her company.  Finally, we met the team (including an LCF graduate!) and had a behind-the-scenes tour. Seeing innovative fashion so close to home broadened my perspective on fashion psychology, highlighting its importance and relevance.

V&A collections
V&A collections

A day trip to the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum

During my first year, we took a day trip to the V&A, where we each had to pick out one item of clothing and learn about its history. We headed back to campus in the evening to present our items and evaluate how we could incorporate it into a psychological study of our choosing.

Visiting one of London’s own fashion exhibitions, and seeing just how vastly social science is linked to fashion was a great insight (and also a great day out!).

Overall, my time on the BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion has been exciting and fulfilling. I have learnt more about how science can be applied to all aspects of fashion, whether than be the neuropsychology of sensual marketing, or the cognitive psychology behind successful fashion design.

I have also been exposed to avenues of the psychology and fashion industries that I had not considered before, and have made great connections along the way thanks to studying at London College of Fashion.

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