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Staff diversity

We welcome staff of all identities and backgrounds. In alignment with the Equality Act 2010, we support protected characteristics including age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.

The UAL Strategy (2022 – 2032) sets out our commitment to promote equality, diversity and inclusion for all staff.

Staff Networks

There are a number of staff networks and communities of practice that engage with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at UAL:

  • Disabled and Neurodiverse staff network
  • GEMS (Group for Equality of Minority Staff) network for B.A.M.E. staff
  • LGBTQ+ staff network
  • Menopause community of practice
  • Parents and Carers staff network
  • Religion and Belief community of practice.

Race equality

Race Equality Charter

We are working towards the Bronze Award with REC.
The REC provides a framework to analyse and assess our processes, practices and policies for barriers that negatively impact Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students.
It aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education.

Race Champions Forum

The Race Champions Forum is chaired by Naina Patel, Chief People Officer.

The forum is made up of staff and students committed to progressing race equality at UAL. The forum meets termly to share good practice and report on progress towards UAL's Anti-Racism Strategy and UAL's  REC application.

Group for the Equality of Minority Staff (GEMS)

A network of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic staff at UAL.

It is UAL’s longest standing staff network. Members are supported in being heard and instigating equality of opportunity, promotion, and access. Any member of UAL can join this group. Members also contribute to discussion and monitor the progress of UAL's published objectives, including equality and diversity strategy and objectives.


UAL is participating in the cross-institutional mentoring scheme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff in Professional Services roles. This mentoring programme provides a unique platform for B.A.M.E professional services staff to strengthen their professional skills and improve their networking capability through the cultivation of cross-institutional relationships.

Learn more about B-MEntor.

Disability and neurodiversity

Workplace Adjustments

If you are a UAL employee, you can request an adjustment.

The adjustment should:

  • remove or minimise disadvantages that a disabled colleague may otherwise experience.
  • fulfil a disabled colleague’s access requirements to participate in all aspects of university life.

If you are a current UAL employee, please see the internal webpage about requesting adjustments.

Building access guides

For full access and route guides to all our sites visit DisabledGo.

Disabled and Neurodiverse Staff Network (DSN)

A confidential supportive group which contributes initiatives on disability awareness and events, promotes disability equality, shares good practice and discusses important issues on a range of disability matters across the University.

Business Disability Forum

A not-for-profit membership organisation that aims to improve the lives of disabled people in the workplace.
UAL staff have access to expert support and advice, a wide range of learning resources and guidance on disability inclusion.

Disability and Neurodiversity Champions Forum

Chaired by a member of UAL’s Executive Board.
The forum is made up of a broad range of staff and student representatives who are committed to disability inclusion at UAL.

Inclusive Design Standards

The standards are used by UAL estates and anyone delivering projects on behalf of UAL. They are also used as a benchmark against which UAL accessibility can be measured.

Disability Confident

Disability Confident is a government scheme. It aims to create a movement of change and encourage employers to think differently about disability. It helps employers take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people.

We have committed to:

  • inclusive and accessible recruitment
  • communicating vacancies
  • offering an interview to disabled people
  • providing reasonable adjustments
  • supporting existing employees
  • undertaking at least one activity that will make a difference for disabled people.

LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Stonewall Diversity Champions programme

The leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBTQ+ people are valued and included at work.

UAL has access to a wide range of support, advice and resources.

UAL ranked 107th in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI) and proudly holds a Gold Award. The WEI allows employers to evaluate their progress on LGBTQ+ inclusion in eight areas of employment policy and practice.

LGBTQ+ Champions Forum

The LGBTQ+ Champions Forum is chaired by a member of UAL Executive Board an made up of a broad range of staff and student representatives committed to promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion at UAL.

LGBTQ+ Staff Network

The LGBTQ+ Staff Network is open to all UAL staff who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or other GSRM identities. It aims to progress LGBTQ+ inclusion at UAL and organise events for its members.

Religion and belief

Religion and Belief Champions Forum

The Religion and Belief Champions Forum is chaired by a member of UAL’s Executive Board. The group is made up of staff and students committed to inclusion with respect to religion, belief or no belief.

Staff with caring responsibilities

Flexible working arrangements

If you have caring responsibilities, you can request flexible working arrangements.

Leave for pregnant staff and staff with parental caring responsibilities


  • maternity
  • paternity
  • adoption
  • parental
  • shared parental.

Staff considering retirement or reducing hours

UAL welcomes people of all ages to come and work with us.

We are supportive of the increasing numbers of our staff who are working beyond ‘customary’ retirement ages. We consider requests to work flexibly, to work reduced hours, and to retrain.

We offer pre-retirement workshops and pension surgeries. These give insight into managing the transition into retirement and considering their options.

Employee Assistance Programme

Access to confidential support, advice and short-term counselling.

Employees can also be referred to PAM Assist, PAM’s Psychological Support Services, PAM’s Physiotherapy Services and PAM’s Specialist Assessment Services.

Report an incident

Find out more

  • Student with art work on wall
    Photo by Alys Tomlinson,

    Equality objectives and reports

    Read our equality objectives, equal opportunities policy and reports on inclusion and diversity at UAL.

  • Mutli coloured book covers
    Image courtesy of UAL,

    Student diversity

    We are proud of our diverse student communities and we are committed to ensuring UAL is an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

  • Watering the flowers at the terrace garden, CSM

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Learn what UAL does to create an inclusive and safe environment where everyone can thrive and fulfil their potential.