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Industry and alumni advise the Class of 2014 for LCF’s tweetchat: #LCFBA14 – What next?

The #LCFBA14 employability tweetchat
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Published date
11 July 2014
The LCFBA14 Employability tweetchat. Photo: Iris Bjork, BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Photography

The LCFBA14 Employability tweetchat. Photo: Iris Bjork, BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Photography.

This summer season, the Class of 2014 have proven that they’ve got creative talent, fresh ideas and a determination to succeed but what happens next? How can they make their ambitions a reality in the fashion industry?

@LCFLondon and @LCFCareers discussed exactly that with top recruiters and LCF alumni who have already made those crucial steps into the industry. Here’s what we discovered…

How do you secure that first big role?

Recruiters were hot on the topic of giving that all essential advice for landing your first role:

LCF students have the chance to be involved in lots of schemes via LCF Careers which help them to secure placements, work experience and paid internships, as well as get coaching from industry mentors. Alumni spoke about the importance of these opportunities and making the most of them whilst studying in order to enter the industry with a better sense of what you want to do and how to achieve it:

How to network and use social media:

One thing was very clear from the recruiters and graduate employability experts: Use social media to get yourself known and to make contact with the companies and people you aspire to work with.

However, you want to be using social media to your advantage – not disadvantage! The recruiters spoke about what they look for, and what they fear discovering:

There was also advice on how to network with those around you – not just via a screen:

How do you launch your own enterprise, and when’s best to do it?

LCF alumni provided loads of inspiring ideas as to why and how to launch your own enterprise or label. They spoke about how exciting, but also how challenging it is to be your own boss, and gave some top tips:

There was debate over whether to work in the industry before you launch an enterprise, or whether to build your own thing from the very start:

They also discussed freelancing:

At UAL, Student Enterprise and Employability (SEE) supports students to launch their own enterprises.

Some final words of advice

Recruiters and alumni shared their final words of inspiration and advice. It seems that the future contains promise for the Class of 2014…