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Improving employee experience

MA Service Design students at London College of Communication ran an intensive five day service design sprint with sporting goods retailer Decathlon.

Students from MA Service Design at LCC explored, proposed and implemented new strategies to improve the experience of employees at Decathlon’s Lakeside store.

The project used an agile model of collaboration with Decathlon employees to tackle a business challenge. Students followed a double diamond design process divided into two stages.

For three intense days, teams worked to develop four service concepts. They carried out research, prototypes and tests. Teams also created implementation and measurement plans.

Decathlon selected one of the four proposed service concepts to test. The second stage was a design consultancy. Over two days, LCC worked together with Decathlon on the delivery and implementation of the selected service concept.

Following the five day sprint, LCC has continued to assist Decathlon with implementation and measurement of the service concept.

Decathlon – MA Service Design