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Results 2021: digital portfolio guidance and new consultation

Person typing on laptops with 2 notebooks and an open magazine on the table.
Person typing on laptops with 2 notebooks and an open magazine on the table.
Babett Kurschner - Clearing. Copyright: Alys Tomlinson.
Written by
UAL Awarding Body
Published date
15 January 2021

We are pleased to provide this practical guidance for centres on Digital Student Portfolios for 2020/21. The guidance, accompanied by video tutorials, covers the stages of capturing student work and evidence of achievement digitally this year.

We know many of you will be working in this way already, but we ask that all relevant delivery staff read this guidance to help ensure consistency across centres and a smoother path toward results this summer. The formats and approaches presented are not exhaustive or prescriptive but provide a useful reference. UAL Awarding Body approved centres are required to make student work and associated documentation available digitally in 2021.

Although the new year has already presented challenges, we would like to thank our centres and students for adapting so well given ever-changing circumstances. Government and Ofqual have now launched a new consultation on how results for Vocational and Technical Qualifications will be awarded in view of continued disruption. This consultation closes on 29 January and will result in further decisions from regulators and government. We will be asking that guidance be coordinated across UK nations and we encourage all centres to make their views known by responding.

Our existing adapted delivery guidance is a very robust framework and will provide a platform for delivering fair, reliable and valid results this year. We have already decided to move to 100% remote support and quality assurance this year, meaning this practical guidance on Digital Student Portfolios will continue to be relevant should any new instructions emerge in the following weeks.

We are working regularly with DfE, regulators and the Federation of Awarding Bodies to monitor and influence any new developments. We will continue to update our guidance and keep centres informed throughout the process. Our aim is to enable the fullest creative learning possible this year, including synoptic project units. We will balance this aim with flexibility, limiting the burden on centres wherever possible and ensuring that no students are disadvantaged.

Further details on arrangements for quality assuring results this year and training events will follow in coming weeks as decisions are confirmed by government.

If you have any urgent general questions, please contact us at

If you have an urgent enquiry about this guidance or delivery matters, please contact us at

Banner Image: Portfolio by Craig Green

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