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How to find your value compass

UAL students and staff building community dye garden, Stave Hill Ecological Park, ©Alexandra Rodriguez Cifre
  • Written byCareers and Employability
  • Published date 24 October 2022
UAL students and staff building community dye garden, Stave Hill Ecological Park, ©Alexandra Rodriguez Cifre
UAL students and staff building community dye garden, Stave Hill Ecological Park, ©Alexandra Rodriguez Cifre

What is a values compass and how is it helpful.

The closer your daily choices align with what’s most important to you, the more likely you are to create your future in line with what you want out of life.

But it is easy to overlook the big picture when you are focused on the details of everyday life, which is where a values compass comes in.

Values are not a destination but can act like a guide. Once you identify them you can start to use them as a compass, using it as a tool to re-direct yourself and check-in on how you have moved towards your values and observe your detours and your missteps.

Identifying your values

Recognizing what is meaningful and important to us can help us find our core values. Yes you can look at a long list of values online, but then they might not be the perfect fit. Instead start by asking yourself:

  • What is important to you?
  • Consider how you prioritize things in your life and what you would describe as important to you day-to-day and long-term. Remember as we change through our lives what we prioritize can shift, do not get swept up in overthinking this, these aren't set in concrete.
  • What are you passionate about discussing with others?
  • Think of topics you frequently discuss or debate, any rules you live by, what you enjoy in your day-to-day life and feel excited by in the short and/or long-term.
  • What makes you angry?
  • Is there something you want to change, a myth you want to bust, or an injustice you want to see change? Is there a topic you find yourself recurringly debating or feel the need to educate people on.
  • What makes you feel content?
  • What makes us feel the most content is close to what makes us each feel happy. So consider what brings you joy or excitement, but also what makes you feel cozy and secure, stable and yet uplifted?

Once you have your answers drill them down to the core value in each statement.

Towards moves and away moves

Using the values compass as a directional tool can be as simple as checking in regularly and asking yourself when you took steps towards your values and where you moved away from them. The more regularly you do this the more you will start to actively notice these decisions in the moment and redirect accordingly.

Weekly Journal Questions 

How did I move towards my values this week?

How did I move away from my values this week?

How can I move towards my values next week?