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Jeffrey Ty Lee

BA Fine Art Drawing Associate Lecturer
Camberwell College of Arts
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Jeffrey Ty Lee


Jeffery Ty Lee explores the conceptual gulf between nature’s sublime power and its systematic representation through drawing, photography, film and installations.

Developed from a wide variety of historical media used to capture and record landscape, Lee’s drawings faithfully remap images with obsessively precise gestures that replicate photographic pixelation and degraded film footage. Executed with brilliant technical draughtsmanship, Lee’s compositions evolve as labyrinthine microcosms, capturing indomitable expanses in minute detail.

Lee’s work is regularly exhibited in the UK and internationally, featuring at galleries and public art projects including Kyushu Art Gate (Fukuoka, Japan), Domobaal, Gimpel Fils (both London), Galleria Galica (Milan), Theatre Gallery (Toffia, Italy), Florence Lynch (New York), Jetty Barracks Gallery (Helsinki) and the 2006 Vienna Biennale.

Lee was also awarded the Joya: arte + ecología Cortijada Los Gazquez in 2012 and Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac in 2003.


BA Fine Art Drawing