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What to do if you witness a crime

student using a phone

How to report a crime and access support

Report a crime

Reporting a crime at UAL

If you have an urgent security concern, please report it to the site Reception, or to one of the security team. Overnight security staff are always available outside the library if you are working there in the evening.

Alternatively, you can report any incidents of damage, trespass or crime through the University's Security Incident Reporting Form.

Reporting a crime outside UAL

In the unlikely event that you’re a victim of crime in the UK, you can report the incident to Police:

  • In an emergency, always call 999.
  • If you're deaf or hard of hearing, you can use the Police textphone service 18000 or text them on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.
  • If the situation is not an emergency, you can call 101 or report a crime online.

Accessing support

  • If you would like to speak with a trained counsellor for support, free, one-to-one, confidential counselling is available to all UAL students.
  • Students can also use the Tell Someone service to report racism, bullying, harassment or sexual violence and access support.

What to do if you witness a crime

In the unlikely event that you witness a violent crime, remember to run, hide, tell:

  • Run to a place of safety. If you are unable to run, then...
  • Hide somewhere out of sight and turn your phone to silent mode. Then finally, when it is safe to do so…
  • Tell Police by calling 999.

If you witness a situation which is not violent, but does not seem right, for example, someone is making inappropriate comments to another individual, follow these steps:

  • Notice the situation, be aware of your surroundings.
  • Ask yourself if you can help safely.
  • Tell someone else, so that you can approach the situation together.
  • Ask the person if they are ok before getting further involved.
  • Ask the person if they want to leave with you, and help to ensure they get home safely.

Source: Information on this page has been sourced from the Metropolitan Police.