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Techniques: Plan a film shoot

Close up of 2 people from the side. One person is  manning a film camera, the other stands beside them
  • Written byShaneika Johnson-Simms
  • Published date 28 June 2020
Close up of 2 people from the side. One person is  manning a film camera, the other stands beside them
Still from 'Techniques: How to plan a film shoot video'. Video, Shaneika Johnson-Simms.
Looking for some tips on planning your film shoots? Filmmaker and tutor Shaneika introduces you to the world of pre-production.

In this how to, Shaneika takes you step by step through the process of pre-production:

1. Finalise your script

2. Make a budget

3. To schedule

4. Crew up

5. Create shotlist

6. Location scout

7. In-between things

You may not need to consider all these things on a school or college project, but this knowledge is invaluable for independent projects for your portfolio and/or talking about the process of making films in applications and interviews for uni.

Plan a film shoot

Video: Shaneika Johnson-Simms

So where does pre-production sit in the life cycle of a film? These posts and diagram on, or via simplyInfo.Net set it all out for you.

Discover more tips and tricks with Shaneika’s hand-picked resource list:

Film Riot on YouTube

Studio Binder including their guide to shot lists and how to make a shot list

Boords pre-production guide

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