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Meet: Tamta Mosulishvili

Quintet London silk scarf
  • Written byGiada Maestra
  • Published date 04 January 2023
Quintet London silk scarf
Photo courtesy of Quintet London

During her final year in MSc Strategic Fashion Management at the London College of Fashion, in 2019, Tamta built her brand, Quintet London, creating beautiful bespoke silk prints. Tamta has recently joined the UAL Enterprising Alumni Association, where she supports a programme of events and online activities to connect UAL graduates who are freelance, founders, or going it alone. We spoke to Tamta about her journey so far to find out what inspired her to volunteer for the UAL Alumni Association…

How has studying at UAL helped you in your career journey so far?

Studying at UAL has greatly helped me - I have been working in the Luxury Retail industry and applying the theoretical knowledge I gained at UAL. It made me more knowledgeable, and confident and allowed me to learn how to work in diverse teams.

Tell us how your brand, Quintet London, was born…

In my first year of university, we were asked to create a brand that could be sold online. In the group project, I was teamed with five students from different countries. After researching, we realised the biggest thing we had in common was that we all were very patriotic. So we created a scarf brand that represented five cultures in one print, hence the name Quintet London. The project was very successful and we sold almost 300 pieces, which back then were made of polyester.

After the project ended, only one group member and I wanted to take the brand further. One day we received an order from a horse-riding team who wanted scarves and ties themed with horses. This was how I came up with the idea of creating personalised art on silk, based on people's stories and preferences.

What three words would you use to describe Quintet London?

Unique, thoughtful, and luxurious.

Quintet London silk scarf
Photo courtesy of Quintet London

Could you tell us more about your process?

Potential clients answer a set of questions, which allows us to understand their likes and preferences (such as colour schemes, destinations, hobbies, or anything else they would like to have included in their personalised design). From this, we develop a preliminary sketch and work with the client’s feedback to create the final design. We then print the design digitally on 100% silk and hand-roll stitch in the UK.

You recently joined the UAL Enterprising Alumni Network; what do you hope to get from this collaboration?

It has always been my dream to study at UAL, and the day I received my offer was one of the happiest of my life. Thanks to the creative freedom and various incredible projects I was able to work on while studying, I was able to launch the brand I have now. So I wanted to share my experiences and hopefully empower others, meet new people and learn from others’ journeys too.

Quintet London silk scarf
Photo courtesy of Quintet London
Quintet London silk scarf
Photo courtesy of Quintet London


Tamta Mosulishvili is also a member of UAL Alumni Enterprising Association; would you like to join? Register your interest by emailing

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