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Creating positive online collaboration

abstract pattern on hanging textiles
abstract pattern on hanging textiles

Written by
Digital Learning Team
Published date
08 April 2020

Read our hints and tips to get the most from online spaces

Moodle, Collaborate Ultra and other digital platforms can be a brilliant way to share your ideas and experiences. It’s important you consider how you present yourself online and to spend time reading and listening to what others have to say. Here are a few points for you to consider:

Be kind

When communicating online it can be easy for what you write to be misinterpreted. To avoid this, write clearly and ask questions if you don’t understand something someone is saying. It’s fine to disagree with a point of view, but always show respect when writing responses. It’s never acceptable to be inappropriate towards others.

If you receive an insulting remark avoid getting involved in a heated discussion and report it directly to your course leader.

Be accurate

Check facts and provide relevant sources where possible before sharing information, advice or guidance.

Explain yourself

Try to justify the points you are making when sharing comments. Explain what you’re saying and why in a concise way. Read others’ comments carefully and think through your contribution before pressing send.

Present yourself well

Remember that comments can be shared easily online and may appear in searches. Take time to review what you’ve written and ensure it reflects well on you before sharing online.

Key aspects of the UAL Academic Regulations apply online, especially the requirement to communicate with others in a thoughtful and respectful manner.

Don't share resources or recordings without permission

Please don't share resources or recordings of sessions online. Moodle and Collaborate Ultra should be a safe, and private, space for learning. It’s important you feel free to share your thoughts and work knowing that they won’t be seen beyond your course.

If you do want to help fellow students find what they need then please only post links back to Moodle rather than the resource or recording itself.

Enjoy yourself!

Last but not least, we look forward to seeing how you find ways to be playful and creative online.