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10.00am - 11.59pm


HOT STUFF: Heat Pump Design Challenge

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Nesta x Climate Emergency Network competition

Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good, and the Climate Emergency Network are inviting UAL students and recent graduates to unleash the power of creativity and imagination to support the UK's journey to cutting climate pollution.We want to create attention and excitement around heat pumps - an established fossil-free technology for heating homes, but one which is relatively new to most people in the UK.

This is where creativity comes in. Whatever your creative practice - from product design to graphic design, painting to ceramics, photography to textiles - this challenge is for you. We are looking for creative responses that create attention and interest in heat pumps by positioning the technology in a new and fresh way, highlighting their transformative potential in cutting harmful pollution from our homes.

We would like students to 're-imagine' the traditional heat pump and produce a piece of work that shows a new and engaging heat pump design.

This competition is about designing or "reimagining" heat pumps - not to a technical or functional specification but with the intention to inspire homeowners to take a fresh look at this technology and manufacturers to be more creative in their designs.

We are launching a creative competition for UAL students with up to 5 prizes of £500 for each of the chosen pieces. The winning pieces will be used to promote our heat pump campaign across UAL and Nesta’s social channels.Timeline and key datesCompetition launches - Earth Day 2024 - (22 April)Submission deadline - 30 June 2024Judging process - July and August 2024Winners announced - October 2024FIND OUT MORE: BRIEF + terms & conditions