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There And Back Again: circular economies

Circular Design lab: There and Back Again: Circular Ecomomies
Written by
Post-Grad Community
Published date
16 September 2020

Open Call for MA Speakers!

Are you interested in design for sustainability? Does your work cover some aspects of the circular economy?

We are selecting MA students to speak at the There And Back Again online symposium on the 30 October 2020.

In this third edition of the symposium hosted by the UAL Centre for Circular Design, we will question how circular economies can shape design practices, acting as creative triggers and inspiring the creation of systems and products which challenge the current unsustainable model.

We want to hear how you have used the circular economy framework to inform your design brief. This can include but is not limited to projects which approach the following themes:

  • Designing for recycling, creating products which can be recovered and regenerated into new valuable goods at their end of life.
  • Designing systems for dematerialisation or to reduce the need to consume
  • Using waste as a raw material to create new products with reduced impacts
  • Developing participatory tools and activities to involve audiences with the concept of a circular economy

This will be an opportunity for you to present your work to an audience of students, academics, and industry stakeholders. After an 8-minute presentation of your work, you will receive feedback in an adapted Q&A session. This is designed to give you valuable insights to carry into the next stages of your work. The presentations are not limited to finished work, on the contrary, we welcome emerging ideas and ongoing projects.

How to apply

Please send to before 1 October 2020 a 200-word abstract describing your work and taking care to answer to the following questions:
  • How do you describe a circular economy in the context of your work?
  • How does your work contribute to reducing waste and the environmental impacts of products and systems?

About  UAL's Centre for Circular Design 

Design research for circular materials, models and mindsets. CCD aims to accelerate the transition towards designing for a circular future where textiles, materials and ‘things’ are designed, produced, used and disposed of in radical new ways.

Find out more

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Open Call: Student stories/shares during COVID-19 Outbreak

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