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The websites categorised and listed below include information and self-help resources for students.

University of the Arts London students are always encouraged to contact the Counselling, Health Advice and Chaplaincy Service for advice and information. Students are also reminded that the University is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of the information given by external organisations or the content of their websites.


No Panic
Provides support for sufferers of panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and tranquilliser withdrawal and has a free helpline.

OCD Action
Information, treatment and support for those affected by OCD.

Offers a free online/e-mail course for those who suffer from panic attacks.


Bipolar UK
Supports people affected by bipolar disorder and their carers, including local support group network.

Depression Alliance
Support and information for those affected by depression and their carers.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Association (SADA)
Information on symptoms and treatment for seasonal affective disorder.

Students Against Depression
Developed in consultation with students affected by depression, low mood or suicidal thoughts, this website includes helpful stories, suggestions as well as self-help strategies for anyone feeling suicidal.


National Self-Harm Network
Offers support for those who self-harm and provides information, contacts and workshops on matters relating to self-harm.

Feeling suicidal

Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide
Papyrus offers support for yousupport for friends and support for parents.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
CALM is a website and helpline aimed at preventing male suicide.
Tel: 0800 585 858

Maytree is a sanctuary for the suicidal providing space to rest and reflect, and someone to talk to in confidence.   
Tel:  0207 263 7070 

Eating disorders

Beat (former name Eating Disorders Association) 
Information for women and men with eating difficulties.

Drug and alcohol support

FRANK (Previously known as National Drugs Helpline)
The FRANK website provides general information and advice on drugs/alcohol, other drug related helplines and local drug agencies.

General information

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
The BACP has a resource where you can find a qualified therapist. Click on ‘Find a Therapist’ from the Home page.

Mental Health Foundation
The Mental Health Foundation provides information on problems, treatment, and strategies. Site covers current research, publications, conferences and service users' rights.

Mind provides information and advice about mental health issues. Mind’s 'Understanding' leaflets are free to read or print, and give practical information on a range of mental health issues, together with resource lists for seeking further help. The 'How to' series of leaflets, also free to read or print, cover topics such as assertiveness, dealing with panic attacks and coping with student life.

Information and services for those affected by severe mental health difficulties; includes a sub-division for young people.

Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists provides information on a range of mental health conditions.

Self-help Resources

Blue Board
An online support group for people affected by depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety disorder. It aims to reduce stigma, provide support, hope and opportunities for sharing successful coping strategies.

Blue Pages
Information about depression and treatment.

Doc Ready
Use the checklist to help prepare for a GP appointment and to work out what you want to talk about.

A self-help programme with modules for social anxiety and generalised anxiety as well as depression.

Free Mindfulness
This website includes a collection of mindfulness meditation exercises which can be downloaded for free.

Living life to the full
A self-help life skills course. Modules on problem solving and anxiety.

Mood Gym
An interactive programme which incorporates cognitive-behaviour therapy for preventing and coping with depression.

Mindfulness for Students
Mindfulness is a technique for maximising concentration and is helpful for stress and anxiety. This website includes mindfulness training for students to help you to stay calm, focused and better manage the pressures of student life.