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Language Development Classes

Lucie Hands BA (Hons) Textile Design, Chelsea College of Arts

Classes are designed for students who speak English as an additional language and would like support on their main course.

Each week in your timetable you may see you have a Language Development class.  Each class is specifically tailored to the subject you are studying and our language tutors work very closely with your course teams.

Language Development classes can help you to:

  • identify and explore the language and vocabulary of your subject
  • critically analyse key reading texts
  • gain confidence in speaking about your work and communicating your ideas
  • better understand your assignment briefs and course requirements
  • understand the different types of written assignments
  • plan and structure writing and presentations
  • carry out effective research
  • build your grammar and use of academic voice.

Check your CELCAT timetable for your classes  – if your class is online your language tutor will send you a link to your online class in advance.

We also offer shorter Academic English skills classes which you can book.

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