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Showcasing abilities and accomplishments

We will support you to practice and apply your learning in a variety of situations: at university, in the workplace and in the community.

During your course, you’ll have opportunities to respond to briefs set by outside organisations, or put on exhibitions or events. These experiences are excellent opportunities to learn about the working world and provide you with examples to point to when you’re at an interview, or developing your portfolio. Above all, by engaging in these experiences you’ll develop the ability to have an impact on the world and make things happen.

These three attributes will help you to show that you have experience of making things happen:


The skills you need to present yourself, your work and your ideas, to inspire others and respond to feedback.


The ability to collaborate with others, create networks and developing and contribute to communities of practice.


The ability to demonstrate your unique talents, abilities and experiences in an engaging manner.

What have others done?