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Surge II | Perceptual map of our veins: process and workshop

illustration of three people against a grey background
  • Written byCarla Fernández
  • Published date 13 October 2022
illustration of three people against a grey background
Zhe Lou, Richard Colchester and Carla Fernández

UAL’s Post-Grad Community, in collaboration with Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS), have launched SURGE II: a project bringing together scientists, artists, and the public to explore the complexities and application of technology in surgery.

Carla Fernández, MA Data Visualisation (London College of Communication) updates us on her SURGE II project with UCL's Dr. Richard Colchester.

Inspired by Dr. Colchester’s research on minimal invasive imaging, me (MA in Data Visualisation) and Zhe Lou (MA in User Experience) together with Dr. Richard Colchester co-created a workshop for heart disease patients and ultrasound researchers at WEISS.

We put together a space to develop a personal technical approach to minimal invasive ultrasound by producing a map of the patient's metaphorical arteries. We sought that this unique and contextualised representation could disengage different sensations towards information and technology.

In the process, we introduce the terms ‘invasive’ and ‘private’. What is invasive? and how invasive is this kind of technology? Ultrasound might be a minimal physical invasive procedure in relation to the size of the incision. However, these transformed waves are deep images of our bodies, they could perform as privacy invasive.

Finally, we discussed what information is displayed and its relationship with our body and participants opened up and talked about their experiences as well as their opinions and concerns toward research. I present this video as a compilation of the creative process, the activities that were carried out and the results of the workshop.

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UAL Post-Grad Community

Established in 2013, Post-Grad Community is an inclusive platform for all UAL postgraduate students to share work, find opportunities and connect with other creatives within the UAL and beyond. Find out more