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Rehabitar el Silencio

an image of a staircase displayed next to a real staircase
  • Written byAna Blumenkron
  • Published date 29 July 2022
an image of a staircase displayed next to a real staircase
Interiores (Ana Blumenkron)

My name is Ana Blumenkron and I am a MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography graduate from LCC. After graduation I really wanted to stay in London, my course started just one term before Covid and after lockdowns and the uncertainty I was not ready to head back home. I applied to the Global Talent visa and successfully secured a future in the UK for the next 5 years. Being away from my hometown is hard, but my relationship with Mexico is still alive and I am making my best to connect London and Mexico.

After three years in the UK I have been transformed. I am able to create artwork that I would never even dare before in Mexico. Talk about the female body, sexual pleasure and feminist issues was harder in Mexico, but in London I feel free.

Ana's work displayed in the gallery
Rehabitar el Silencio (Ana Blumenkron)

Working on my final major project (FMP) I approached my dream gallery in Mexico, -hey Patricia Conde Galería (PCG) can I share my portfolio with you?- I was scared at the beginning, because is the most important commercial photography gallery in Mexico, there’s not a more distinguished one in the country. But the response was amazing.

I sent a copy of my printed zine to PCG. PlayDate a romantic feminist comedy where at the end (sorry for the spoilers) the heroine instead of succumbing to patriarchy pressure, has the possibility to decided for herself what she wants and with that breaks the sexual contract and the love stereotypes.

4 photos displayed on a wall showing parts of a house
Dream House (Ana Blumenkron)

Patricia Conde herself came back to me telling me that the issues I raised are incredible important and wanted to show it at her gallery. I was in conversation for 2 years with Patricia before something actually happened. There were times I was losing hope, and I would say to myself this is never going to happen... until one very good day, the email arrived.

-We found a curator, who will be creating a group show with you and two other Mexican photographers, Sylvana Burns (MRes Theory & Philosophy of Art at CSM) and Tania Bohórquez who lives abroad and covers feminist issues. To have a show in June in Mexico City, is very short notice... but are you up for it?- OH YES I AM

4 photographs on a wall, three in black and white and one in colour
Play Date (Ana Blumenkron)

It is my great pleasure to share with you, Rehabitar el Silencio, a collective exhibition showing in Mexico City until the 20th of August. Within the show I am sharing a retrospective of my love projects from 2016 to the year 2021. I care so much about love, because mostly is a tool utilised by the patriarchy to drive women into submission instead of being a great feeling and a partnership for growth, responsibility, affection and respect.

Interiores is a nostalgic approach of my parents' relationship and divorce, then I share Dream House, a work that deals with the second family of my paternal grandfather, patriarchal standards of female behaviour in the domestic space and the lies that lived hidden in my grandparents house for 40 years. I also present Foreplay a series of polaroids and a zine that talks about female pleasure and sexting, and finally PlayDate a script/zine about a feminist romantic relationship and the pressures that exist on women to look and behave in certain way. The last two projects began in my Master's degree at the University of the Arts London.This exhibition covers trauma, incest, power and control over the female body and social violence, while addressing issues recurring to feminism, to reconfigure reality and influence it.

Ana's work displayed in a gallery with a tree in the middle
Foreplay (left) and Interiores (right) (Ana Blumenkron)

In Mexico, doing work related to female sexuality and love standards, is something I would not have even thought about back home, but now, living in London, I feel ownership and safety, with the creative space to talk about it freely, which I have never experienced before. I don’t want to be ashamed; I know I can’t be the only one.

Visit the exhibition until the 20th of August at Patricia Conde Galeria.

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