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5.30pm - 8.00pm


Wellbeing for self-employed creatives

  • Location

    Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU

  • Date
  • Time
Hear from entrepreneurs and UAL’s Counselling and Student Health team on the importance of wellbeing for self-employed creatives.

Join us for a thought-provoking panel on well-being designed specifically for UAL students aspiring to work for themselves.

This panel features entrepreneurs who'll share their candid experience with mental health and founding their own business, as well as a representative from UAL’s Counselling & Student Health team.

Our speakers will share resources and practical advice on how to balance personal health and business success. We will also share the wellbeing services available to you as an UAL student and signpost to services available for graduates.

Topics include:

- Challenging the Conventional Definition of Success

- Establishing a Positive Mindset

- Thriving with Failures and Set-backs

- Building Your Support Network

- Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

- Important of Fitness and Mindfulness for Well-being

This panel discussion will be chaired by Kaitlin Zhang. Kaitlin is the CEO of Oval Branding and the current Entrepreneur in Residence for UAL. She is an award-winning speaker and a strong advocate for well-being for entrepreneurs through minimalism.

About the panellists

Natasha Minter is the founder of modelme, a well-being platform dedicated to helping people unlock their true identity and self-worth. A dynamic speaker and event manager, she empowers others through holistic workshops focused on the heart, mind, body, and community

Matt Rowbotham is a well-being advocate and serial entrepreneur. He most recently raised $2m and spent 3 years building a social network for wellbeing. He also amassed millions of organic views creating mental health street interviews on TikTok and Instagram.

Image credit: Gracie Dahl