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Video picks: FCBSIX- Destination Pride

  • Written byCamille Fontaine
  • Published date 23 March 2018
FCB/SIX. Destination Pride global platform. Visualisation: FCB/SIX
We’re spotlighting a design project that positively impacts decision-making. We take a look at how project Destination Pride has combined the legacy of Gilbert Baker with computer-aided design (CAD) and infographics to help the LGBTQ+ community navigate the world.

For many keen travellers, seeing the world is represented as one filled with immediate excitement and the expectation that nowhere is off limits. But for those who belong to intersectional and underrepresented groups, sometimes the prospect of travel can also add a touch of anxiety.

Introducing, Destination Pride – a collaborative project between non-profit charity PFLAG Canada and Canadian agency FCB/SIX.

First flight as a woman

Video: FCB/SIX.

Want to see more?

Find out about the organisations who work on the project:


PFLAG Canada

Animation, graphic design and sound engineering are some of the creative resources used by this project. It’s a great example of different creative disciplines being utilised in order to generate a tool that is helpful to the community.

The project uses the individual colour bars in Gilbert Baker’s distinctive Pride rainbow flag, to break down six key areas (most of which include national laws) that impact LGBTQ+ lives:

Red = Marriage Equality

Orange = Sexual Activity Laws

Yellow = Gender Identity Protections

Green = Anti-Discrimination Laws

Blue = Civil Rights & Liberties

Purple = Social Media Sentiment

These six areas produce a score, which acts as an indicator of the protections officially in place for LGBTQ+ travellers globally. The higher the score, the more positive the attitudes and laws of the desired location.

The current list of countries, states/ cities and provinces are not exhaustive however; the project relies on updated information from a pool of resources in order to provide a score. As it isn’t a conclusive measurement of overall national attitudes or safety towards LGBTQ+ travellers, lower scores shouldn’t be a deterrent!

As attitudes transform across the world, we’re positive that we’ll see results that are reflective of that change.

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