This class is delivered out in the field combining tours, informal lectures, group discussions and self motivated discovery. You will participate in a number of  museum visits and guided walks through obscure parts of London (some related to fashion, all related to this city).

You will be encouraged to search for inspiration and gather stimulating information whilst exploring and discovering an ‘alternative’ London. Part of this will be gaining knowledge of the layers of idiosyncratic behaviour, cultural attitudes and curious customs that define the real essence of a place.

You will have the opportunity to examine aspects of what makes 'Britishness’ and more to the point gain an understanding of ‘Londoness’.  Fashion is continually changing and London- with its multi-cultural mix, edgy, vibrant art scene, history and traditions, is the catalyst that influences these changes. You will examine the influence of various factors on fashion including social events, popular culture, architecture, the arts, mass media. Also, looking behind the scenes, you will gain an alternative perspective through observing the mechanics of a city steeped in a complex history. Where do people go? What do they say? How do they talk? What do they eat?

The aim is to ‘make a difference’ to the way you find, see, absorb, process, and communicate information – in your own individual and personal way.

You will keep a journal to help you critically examine, reflect and express your opinions generated by these visits. This combination of sketches, diary and scrap book will become a valuable tool to underpin your studies.