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Assessment of events

Health and safety information for planning of events and events based teaching.

During events many things change; the use of the building, the items present in the building, the number of people in the building, to name but a few. It is extremely important therefore that all events and events based teaching, planned by either staff or students, take health and safety into account during the set up, break down and during the show itself.

Please read the University's Health and Safety Standard for Events, exhibitions and shows (PDF 531KB)

It is important that the health and safety standards we set at UAL are maintained at all times. Please also talk to your tutor before planning an event, exhibition or show.

Contractors are often called in to assist with events. The Management of Contractors Standard should therefore be considered in conjunction with the Events Standard. Please see the documents listed on this page for details.

Checklists and further guidance:

H&S Checklist - Events/Exhibitions/Shows (Word 58KB)

H&S Briefing for Events/Exhibitions/Shows (Word 20KB)